The main goal of technical writing is to understand and then portray it with clarity: the purpose is to basically communicate specific ideas, and any information in the document should contribute to this goal. If any part of the document fails to do so, then delete, edit or change that part of the document right then. This rule however, also indicates that you should know exactly the points that your document or you intend to make through your document: if you yourself don?t know the purpose of your writing, you can never achieve it effectively.
Some people think that writing term papers, giving talks, and any similar ?marketing? activity is not a part of the research, but an adjunct to it or an undesirable distraction to it. This view is however, inaccurate. The purpose of any research is to basically increase the store of human knowledge within a person, and so even the best of your work is useless if you are unable to write it effectively so that it communicates well to the rest of the world.
Even if you believe that you have the understanding of ideas and contributions, you may likely find that when you try to write or speak them out, you fail to clearly enunciate them. The process of thinking and clarifying, one aspect of which is writing papers and giving talks, is a valuable asset to improve your research.
Be consistent, while using the number of digits of precision. If the data that have been measured are 1.23, 44.67 and 891.72, for example, you may report them as 1.23, 44.7 and 892, or as 1.2, 45, and 890, or even as 1, 50, and 900. Use appropriate number of digits of precision that reflects your measurement process ? for example, if you are not confident in the 3rd digit of precision (and there is rarely a reason to have confidence that is general and accurate!), omit it right then! Always keep in mind the message that you wish to convey to the readers ? the readers might get distracted from the big picture and the larger trends by too many digits of precision.
If you include an inappropriate number of digits of precision then you can cast suspicion on all of your results, by giving the readers an impression that you are statistically naive.
Your related work section should not only explain the research that others have done, but each case should compare and contrast to your work. Additionally, for each of your related work that is significant, after reading it, readers should however understand the key idea and the contribution of that work.
In a 3 or more elements list, it is better to put commas between each of the items (including the last two of them), for more clarity. As a simple example as to why a 3-element grocery list should be considered that is written without the clarifying last comma: ?milk, cheese, and macaroni and crackers.? It is not however clear whether it means (milk, cheese and macaroni, crackers) or (milk, cheese, macaroni and crackers). I HAVE SEEN EVEN MORE CONFUSING EXAMPLES.
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